Montana's Cookhouse: ...A restaurant falling off? Montana's is one of those barbeque joints found in every town in virtually North America. They rave about their ribs, wings, and steak. Montana's is a Canada-wide chain, maybe surprising considering its American name. First off, the ribs. Montana's ribs are my favourite, or at least they were. They were always perfectly tender smoked ribs with a delicious Texan sauce. This has changed however as the past two times I went the ribs were chewy, gross. The chicken wings are mediocre - enough said. Now I'm sorry to disappoint you steak lovers, but I have to admit that I'm not one of you. And neither are the people that I dine with. So I cannot review the steak, I apologize. But I can say that if you do want steak from a reputable cookhouse, you should stick to Montana's or Longhorn Steakhouse. Finally the french fries. They're delicious. Unlike most generic fries that only have salt, these fries are perfect...